Exemptions Online Help

Online Exemption Filing

You can apply for the following exemptions online:

Discount for Veterans with a Combat Related Disability  (Age 65 and Older)

Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Military Veterans and First Responders

Homestead Exemption


Senior Exemption (Age 65 and Older)*

Widow/Widower Exemption

Disability Exemptions*

First Responder / Service Member / Veteran Exemptions

* Income Requirements may apply

NOTE: There is now a mobile version of the website! This was created to make it easier for users to apply for exemptions when using mobile devices.

In order to complete the application process, each applicant must include no less than four (4) forms of Florida residency identification as listed below:

By law, the social security number of the applicant and the applicant's spouse must be provided; even if the spouse is not listed on the property title or does not live on the property. 

In addition, non-citizens must provide a copy of their Permanent Residence Card (Green Card).

Forms of residency identification are:

1.Social Security Card / Number (*** REQUIRED ***)

2.Florida Driver's License or ID Card / Number (*** REQUIRED ***)

And any two of the following that includes the applicants name and the property for which permanent residency is being claimed:

1.Florida Voter Registration Card / Number  (*** PREFERRED ***)

2.Florida Vehicle Registration

3.Proof of payment for utilities (Electric, Cable, Gas, Satellite TV, Land Line Phone --- We will not accept Water Utility, DirecTV or Frontier statements as proof) Full page of all statements is required, statement must list a site/service address

4.Formal declaration of domicile recorded in the public record

5.School Location for dependent children (Document must state student's home address)

6.Employment verification

7.Bank Statement

Filing Deadline: The Statutory deadline to file an exemption is March 1st, unless falling on a weekend or holiday. A late filing period may be available at the discretion of the Property Appraiser. 

Please note the following before you begin: 

1)Income limitations are provided by the state of Florida and are adjusted each year on January 1st according to changes in the consumer price index (CPI).  In order to qualify for exemptions that are income limited, you must provide income documentation.  Click here for the current income limitation rate.

2)Supporting documentation is required for approval of each exemption.  You may either scan the necessary documents and upload them using the application or mail paper copies to our office. All documents must:

a)Have the name of the applicant or applicant's spouse

b)Have the address of the homestead property as the site/service address

c)Must be current

3)Florida law does not allow for dual exemptions.  Receiving more than one residency based exemption is considered fraud and penalties will apply if discovered.  You and/or your spouse must not be receiving a residency based exemption or benefit on any other property in Florida or in another state; such as but not limited to:

The New York STAR Exemption

The Wisconsin Lottery and Gaming Credit

The Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit

The Ohio Rollback

The Pennsylvania Homestead or Farmstead Relief

The Georgia Homestead Exemption

Or, a residency based Property Tax Circuit Breaker Program

If you or your spouse own property in another state, verify with the local assessor that you are not receiving a residency benefit.  If you are, it must be canceled and evidence of cancellation must be provided in order to qualify for a Polk County exemption.


4)Status changes (income, health, marriage, etc.) that affect your exemption eligibility must be reported to the Property Appraiser even if your exemption automatically renews every year.

5)A person in this country under a temporary visa cannot meet the requirements of permanent residence and, therefore, cannot claim a Homestead Exemption. 

6)By giving someone your user name and password, you are giving them permission to file for your homestead on your behalf. 

7)Incomplete applications or applications submitted without the required documentation will not be approved.