Exemptions Online Help

Other Property Tab

The Other Property tab allows the applicant to submit information about any other property that he/she owns.  As the user chooses "Yes" or "No" to questions on the tab, those choices may lead to additional pages with more specific questions.  Each additional page has links (aka breadcrumbs) that allow the user to navigate back to each previous page visited.

Do you currently own or have you (within the past three years):

1.Owned property other than the property associated with this exemption application?* Choose "Yes" or "No."  (Selecting "Yes" will prompt the wizard to request the location address(es) for other property owned by the applicant.)

2.Received a Homestead Exemption (or any other residency based exemption/credit)?* Choose "Yes" or "No."  (Selecting "Yes" will prompt the wizard to request additional information to determine if the applicant is eligible for Portability.)

3.If yes, was Homestead / Residency-based exemption in Florida? Choose "Yes" or "No". (Selecting "Yes" will prompt the wizard to ask the user to apply for portability. )

4.If yes, in which Florida county did you receive the exemption? Click on the drop-down arrow and choose the appropriate county

Website Other Property Page

Mobile Version: 

Mobile version of the Website Other Property Page