Exemptions Online Help

Personal Data

The Personal Tab asks for current information about the selected applicant as well as previous address information. Disclosure of the applicant's social security number is mandatory. It is required by section 196.011(1)(b), Florida Statutes. The social security number will be used to verify taxpayer identity and Homestead Exemption information submitted to property appraisers. 

1.SSN: Enter applicant's Social Security number - numbers only, no dashes.

2.Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)*: Enter applicant's birth date.

3.Phone: Enter phone number - numbers only, no dashes.

4.Marital Status: Choose Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed (Selecting "Married" will prompt the wizard to request additional information about your spouse.)

5.Select your Spouse: Select the spouse name if shown, or select other to enter the name and social security number of your spouse.

6.Address from last Federal Income Tax Return: Enter street number and name, city, state and ZIP for the selected applicant's last federal tax return

7.Do you File a Federal Income Tax Return?:  Click "Yes" or "No"

8.Previous Address: Enter street number and name, city, state and ZIP for the selected applicant's previous address.

9.Date lived at Previous Address: Enter the last day the applicant lived at the previous address  (MM/DD/YYYY format).

NOTE:  All information provided is protected by Digicert.

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