Other Exemptions Tab
The Other Exemptions tab allows the applicant to submit information that will help determine eligibility for other exemptions.
As the user chooses "Yes" or "No" to questions on the tab, those choices may lead to additional pages with more specific questions. Each additional page has links (aka breadcrumbs) that allow the user to navigate back to each previous page visited.
Answer the questions to determine your eligibility, then click "Next."
Are you a veteran with a disability (not necessarily related to military service)? *: Choose "Yes" or "No." (Selecting "Yes" will prompt the wizard to ask the applicant if they wish to apply for additional exemptions. )
Do you have a disability that is not related to military service? *: Choose "Yes" or "No." (Selecting "Yes" will prompt the wizard to the applicant if they wish to apply for additional exemptions. )
NOTE: You can not select "Yes" to both questions. The applicant is either a veteran or not.
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