Exemptions Online Help

Other Property Tab > Portability > Portability Info

The Portability Info page is associated with the Other Property Tab.  This page allows the applicant to provide additional information that will be used to determine Portability eligibility.

1.Date you moved out of the previous Homestead Property (mm/dd/yyyy) ?*:  Enter the date the applicant sold or vacated the previous homestead property.

Complete the questions below if the previous homestead property had/has other owners.

NOTE:  If the previous homestead property does not have other owners, the applicant does not need to provide any additional information.

2.Do any of the other owners still live at the previous homestead?:   Choose Yes or No and answer the questions below, if applicable.

3.List the names of the owners of the previous homestead who ARE applying for portability along with you:   

Separate each name with a comma (Jane Doe, John Smith) 

4.List the names of the owners of the previous homestead who ARE NOT applying for portability along with you:

Separate each name with a comma (Jane Doe, John Smith) 


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Mobile Version of portability